Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The World is Flat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

The World is Flat - Essay ExampleFor skilled students however, it meant greater opportunity because he or she can apply for jobs beyond his or her geographical location.In accompaniment to being really good with my area of expertise, I should also learn other skills such as computer skills because technology is the way of the future. Almost all jobs virtually involve technology and I must equip myself with this skill to make myself employable. I must also learn how to work with other mass of different cultures because the work setting in the future will be characterised by diversity where passel of different nationality will have to work together.Online base jobs are genius of the world flattener. They are one of the worlds flattener because it makes people mobile in terms of seeking employment without even divergence their homes. They are as productive as those who go to office except that they are working in the comfort of their homes. Business organization are already adapti ng to these kind of work structure which they call telecommuting recognizing the advantages it offer both to the company and the

Monday, April 29, 2019

Impact of Unions on Human Resources Management Research Paper

Impact of Unions on world Resources Management - Research constitution ExampleThe approach taken by this paper focuses on the context of both the employees and the employer, in parade to understand how basing on these two, centers influence the human resources management of an organization. Overall, this paper will immortalise that unions have both negative and positive impact on human resources management of an organization. Literature Review Labor Laws, Unions, and Human Resources Management Labor laws are essential in guiding the relationship between the employers, the employees, and the unions. Therefore, through them, thither arise various expectations, which influence the management of a unionized organization in various ways. Neuser and pooch (2010) wrote an article, which explores the state of hol minuscule laws in the United States. In their article titled What Every Employer Should Know intimately the Law of Union Organizing, Neuser and Barker explore the various la bor laws in the United States, and interpret them to show how these influence employers, and what is wrong or right for employers to do when faced with unionization. Nonetheless, a major aspect of employers actions, which the labor laws guide, is the counter-campaign. Neuser and Barker (6) argue that, An employer is permitted, and is almost always salubrious advised, to conduct an employee informational campaign when confronted with a union organizing campaign. However, the carriage through which this is done determines whether the labor laws are violated or adhered to by the employer. The counter-campaign by the employer results in changes in the human resources and management practices in a company. However, an employer conducts a counter-campaign, in accordance with the Section 8(a) of the Act, as well as various opinions by the judicial and the board. Therefore, in a bid to prevent employees from unionizing, employers might keep up additional human resources practices, or imp rove on the existing human resources practices, in order to incite employee job felicity. For instance, they might increase employee salaries, promote some employees to higher position, and generally improve on the running(a) conditions of employees. Nonetheless, all these changes and new adoptions in HR practices will have been brought about by unionization. However, Neuser and Barker mark that this counter-campaign should not infringe on any labor law (26). Unionizing, Job Satisfaction, and Human Resources Management confused researches have been conducted to explore the effect of unionizing on employee job mirth. In their study, Bryson, Cappellari, and Lucifora (2010) explored the effect of unionizing on employee job satisfaction in Britain. Results show that there are no significant differences in the level of job satisfaction between union and nonunion employees. However, for those union employees that lacked collective bargaining, the level of job satisfaction was found to be lower. Nonetheless, collective bargaining is an important determinant of job satisfaction for union workers. In another study, Artz (2010) investigated how union experience influences employee job satisfaction. Results showed that job satisfaction was only higher among the employers, who were in unions for the first time, thus low experience in unions. However, the more an employee gained increased experience in uni

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Systems Feedback Loops for Deckers Outdoor Corporation Research Paper

Systems Feedback Loops for Deckers Outdoor Corporation - Research Paper ExampleThe two categories of feedback loops utilized at DOC are the balance loops together with the reinforcing loops. Sources consider such loops as significant constituents of the thinking of Deckers open-air(prenominal) corporation. Concisely, systems thinking to refer to ways in which different elements present in an organization interact with distributively other, therefore, culminating in their growth, or fall. The literature describes systems thinking as people, different structures, as well as constitutional processes essential for the overall prosperity of an organization. The two of the roles identified in DOC execute sundry(a), divergent functions. For instance, balancing loops are endowed with the conscientiousness of enhancing an organizations stability. Alternatively, a reinforcing loop performs the role of controlling the thou of growth of an organization (Burgoyne, Araujo & Easterby-Smith, 2 000). At DOC, a suitable example of a reinforcing loop is notable by and by an appraisal of an employees performance and the support they obtain from the management. It is notable that employees who have demonstrated excellence in their performances tend to acquire incalculable support from the management. The management directs such individuals by the provision of bonuses, additional teach for skills development, as well as allocation of better assignments. As a result, the performance of such individuals continues to improve, and the keep company notes an addition of its profits. This is among the reasons for the sustained expansion of DOC to diverse locales. In a different scenario, the workforces performance may progressively slow down. Simultaneously, the management is unable to offer the much-needed support thus the decline. In such a case, the reinforcement loop applies. In the largest percentage of companies, the reinforcing loop cannot drive an organization towards atta ining its stability, therefore, the necessity of looking into a different category known as the balancing loops (Burgoyne, Araujo & Easterby-Smith, 2000). The balancing loops As opposed to reinforcing loops that focus on the growth or decline of an organization, this loop aims at attaining a stated steady state, or an objective. An minded(predicate) action is unavoidable when trying to move from a current state to the designated desired state. The DOC has enacted various strategies for purposes of devising apt techniques for enhancing its growth to other geographical locations across the globe. Therefore, it resorts into incorporating some balancing loops to aid in achieving its stated goals. At DOC, instances of this class of loops are numerous (Burgoyne, Araujo & Easterby-Smith, 2000). This is because DOC has many plans for bringing new products to the market, therefore, creating a balancing loop. The interaction occurring between the two states results into formation of the gap.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Popular Music - No Suprises by Radio Head Essay

Popular Music - No Suprises by Radio Head - Essay ExamplePopular music is everything nigh the new bureau the digital technology has given. It is about the synthesis of creative ideas everywhere sophisticated technology. The concept of tracks, multi track recording, mixing, get the hang and audio effects was unknown in the beginning of the last century. With the transition of the globe from the industrial eon into the silicon era marked with the steady rise in popularity of computer systems and its various innovative digital systems work was simplified, automated and refined by leaps and bound. Similarly in the area of music, makers of music have extensively benefitted from the ready availability of technology at hand to simply work and increase productivity. The effect more than number of albums released, bigger and more complex musical projects executed with ease, a stark change in the sound of the music from the early 20th century to late 20th century.Similarly, application, perception and the entire position of music has undergone a change. From being used as a tool to organise movements, address tender and humanitarian issues, identify a community to usage for pure entertainment address global issues and virtu all toldy importantly for making a living out of music. In the next sections of the paper we will be plowing about Popular Music in far greater detail with literature review, detailed abbreviation of popular music track No Surprises by contemporary pop band Radio Head.When we discuss about Popular Music we discuss about culture. We are trying to observe musical detail of a musical genre that has overtaken the world in the last century and has now become mainstream or in other words popular. No Surprises Analysis of Video On listening to the music word picture No Surprises by Radio head one can instantly relate to the sadness in which the narrator/singer is drowned into. The music, the visual elements, the background images, the lyrics, light effects, sound effects, vocal tone and modulation all convey just one message a suppressed agony that needs to be vent out. On listening to the songs and watching the associated visual this feeling of gloom becomes even more clear and distinct. The insurrection water level in the water tight glass capsule holding the head of the utterer Thom Yorke is symbolic of the larger issues and the common saying, keeping the head over water. Here in this exposure he dawns a lifeless expression while he sings the songs with the water level rising in his glass helmet until he gets totally submerged inside it. He barely manages to keep his head over the water. The water here symbolises various issues social, political, economic, humanitarian, relationships, emotional etc. All of these things are depicted to be qualifying out of control and taking the unexpected path, creating strife and rifts among people. Lyric setting The song talks about a mans burden of life. It talks about the hea viness in the heart collect to various reasons and circumstance prevailing in his life and his surrounding including a government that has betrayed its loyal citizens, a job that leaves nothing in life and a growing distance between people and their emotions. Everyone is in their own frenzied pursuitof goals and aspirations without caring for the larger good and the simpler things in life. The narrator of the song has a disseminate of things to say and he does it through this simple lyrical poetry with minimum usage of words and

Friday, April 26, 2019

BRITISH STUDIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BRITISH STUDIES - Essay ExampleThere are many benefits to being a part of this great institution, and a revamping of the trade union law could be an asset in the improvement of our culture, providence and health. Whereas it can be argued that many aspects of society are required to evolve and grow with the times, the rate and close to which marriage is open to do this is of the utmost importance as it is one of the most basic traditions and helps to have one of the most fundamental aspects of modern society. As a function of seeking to understanding and make this institution in the light of the current era, with regards to how much or how little the institution of marriage has been able to evolve with the times, it will be the hope of this author that such an analysis will be commensurate of presenting a functioning and well argued piece of research into this topic so that the reader might get along to a more informed understanding of societal evolution and growth with regar ds to this most fundamental of handed-down societal demarcations.As with many traditions and cultural understandings, there can be no denying that the culture of marriage has changed. The cozy imagery of the perfect marriage, as exhibited by the now-comical television shows of the early 1960s and late mid-fifties have long since faded from memory (Dommaraju, 2009). Fairy tales with stories of love- ever- after were, and to a large part thus far are, what children are raised on. within the not so distant past, little girls dreamed of the knight in shining armor, or being brought back to life by a simple kiss from a Prince. When the movie, Love Story, first appeared society was still extremely absorbed in a marriage culture that encouraged and supported getting and staying married until the end of ones days (Fortunato & Archetti, 2010). Within a few years, the womens movement, the pill, the

Thursday, April 25, 2019

BUSINESS MODELS AND PLANNING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

military control MODELS AND PLANNING - Essay ExampleFrom the case study it was evident that company alpha engaged in seven business simulation innovations in which further 4 were successful. Amongst the remaining three, the company either succeeded or failed in their operations. From the case study it was evident that moreover the innovations which involved exploitation of existing engineering and the ripening and exploitation of technology based products advance the success. The companys failure was attributed to lack of desired case and standards and that the market was small for the companys turnover.On the other hand company important only managed 3 business innovations two of which were successful while the other one failed. Success to the business model was due to acquisition and exploitation of new technology. However, the failure was due to a new product starting motor into the market which faced severe completion that squeezed it out.To innovate in business model me ans that a company must be able to engage in mergers and acquisitions which reduces the companys competitiveness? In addition to this, innovations in business model also require that companies are able to acquire or embrace new technology that exists within the business environment. From the research conducted between company alpha and beta it is evident that success only came when the companies involved in business models which involved acquisition of new technology and development. For example, company alpha engaged in seven business model innovations in which only 4 were successful. Only the innovations which involved exploitation of existing technology and the development and exploitation of technology based products encouraged the success. The case was similar to company beta which involved in only 3 business innovations and only two succeeded. Innovation is a rigorous process that involves companies to

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Prestnation and presentation write up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Prestnation and unveiling write up - Essay Example(Crooks 2010).The oil leak started when there was a loss of defend over the take the fieldure in the well followed by the failure of the wells blowout preventer, a specialized valve designed to maintain consistent conditions. After the initial explosions the blowout preventers emergency functions failed to sealing wax the well, allowing the leak to occur. (BP oil, 2011)The language of this statement stresses that the occurrence was an accident which implies that it is out of the control of the gild, and something that happened by chance. The facial expression of regret is a recognition of the pain and suffering that has been suffered by those who died and others who know them. The words do non imply that BP caused these deaths, or that they accept responsibility for them. The words just regret that something has happened.Because of the location of the incident roughly the American coastline there was immediate press interest a nd a flood of images and commentaries on the incident itself and the on-going and unspeakable pollution of the area around the rig.BP was forced to treat this as a major public dealing disaster as well as an environmental one and health and safety one. It was the attention of the press over a unyielding period of time that turned this from one incident into a long series of further damaging developments. Not only the leak was highlighted, but also the inability of the company to stop it, and the inadequate clean up and recovery attempts.We bring on acted to take responsibility for the clean-up, to respond fleetly to compensate people affected by the impact of the accident, and to look after the health, safety and welfare of the queen-size number of residents and people who helped respond to the spill. As of 31 December 2010, we had spent $17.7 billion for our response activities. Throughout, we have sought to work closely with government, local residents, our shareholders, emp loyees, the wider industry and the media. (BP oil 2011)The