Sunday, February 23, 2020

Risk But, Wasnt That a Disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Risk But, Wasnt That a Disaster - Essay Example Turner, from his research work and a later published book â€Å"Man Made Disasters†, establishes that clear patterns can be drawn out of every disaster that takes place due to human negligence (Turner, 1978). These patterns according to him are clearly divisible in six steps. He also argues that humans can do much more than just witness a catastrophe. Similarly, Perrow in his published book â€Å"Normal Accidents† mentions that due to the fact that people are incompetent when it comes to ‘handling complexity’ (Perrow, 1984) therefore accidents at composite facilities come by easily. Both, Turner and Perrow’s work is highly regarded, which were only possible due to society’s resolve to find a way to avoid accidents. Turner also points out in his above-referred works that usually it is the un-tested innovation that causes the disaster. He refers to accidents at Hixon in 1968 and Summerland in 1973. Moving from physical disasters to corporate ones, the writer talks about the opportunity for isomorphic learning wherein firms specialize in a special segment and engineer the best possible way of doing that job. This way significant time is saved as organizations can outsource a particular activity and don’t have to spend the time to learn it to do the right way. Not only this complex processes can be better performed by the taskmasters. Errors in these processes are usually human, and therefore learning to deal with infrequent events is what isomorphic learning is all about. Analyzing these disasters one realizes how similar they are at the time of happening. Human errors are seen to be a major player as far as financial disasters are concerned. Therefore, according to the writer, there is a severe need to learn from these mistakes so that such incidents can be avoided. Although the work that the writer of the article has cited from the authors is pretty much credible, however, more supportive work would make the argument stronger. Incorporating research and studies gives a lot of weight to the examination.  

Friday, February 7, 2020

Marketing And Sponsorship For Events And Sports Essay

Marketing And Sponsorship For Events And Sports - Essay Example The teams will be composed of players from various universities, an all-star game of sorts. Having these players participate in the game will increase the interest of the target audience. Amateurs may draw inspirations from these games, and eventually apply the techniques in their own fields. Part of the organizer’s marketing plans is to do radio advertisements two weeks before the event. Utilizing above-the-line media will expand the organizer’s reach and will definitely elicit interest among listeners. Below-the-line media such as posters and flyers will also be used. To support the marketing budget, sponsorships with media and consumer groups shall be initiated. This will result in support in terms of budget and promotions. At the end of the event, the organizers targets for the audience to have increased interest in sports, consequently increasing inquiries in sports-related courses and programs. II. TARGET MARKET III. SWOT a. Strengths – Middlesex University in London is known for its support to Sports Activities. In fact, its involvement in sports activities goes to the extent of encouraging its students to participate and volunteer in sports-related activities. Further, as stated in its website, picking which sports to participate in is a student’s second major decision after selecting the course to take (Middlesex University London 2012). Its expertise and participation in sports activities in the city is a good work ground in implementing this Sports Open Day. Another factor that may considered as strength is the Londoners’ obvious love for sports, which was probably fueled by the city’s hosting of the 2012 Olympics. The clamor for sports activities is still lingering, and the youth are the best group that considers sports-related activities a one of their priorities. b. Weakness – Activity-related funds are still being built up, with great dependence on sponsorships. Though a lot of organizations and co mpanies have the capacity to pledge support for the program, the university’s challenge is to be able to get the needed funds to ensure success of the event. Further, the organizers should be able to come up with the needed funds within a span of less than two months, a feat that is achievable, but would entail hard work for the marketing committee team. c. Opportunity – The city government of London has promised to put in more support in sports-based activities through the mayor’s legacy projects (Increasing opportunities to play sports 2012). Middlesex Universities’ Sports Event is aligned to this goal, and as such, the situation provides a great opportunity for the marketing and promotions with the support of the local government. Having this kind of supporting environment strengthens opportunities to the event organizers. d. Threats – No known major threat has been identified, though probably, the presence of sports-related campaigns that are m ore commercial in value lessens the attractiveness of this endeavor. The organizers however would still want to capitalize on this threat and use it to the event’s advantage by not antagonizing mainstream efforts. Bringing in sponsors from the mainstream group will address this threat as having consumer companies participate in the Sports Open Day would mean opening doors to a wider market reach. IV. OBJECTIVES The