Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ideology and Political Education Development Research

Ideology and Political Education Development Research A study on College Students Ideological and political education from the perspective of system harmony and traditional culture Summary In this paper, we analyze the unique paradigm of ideological and political education, ideological and political education of traditional paradigms no longer meet the growth of university students, by ideological and political education paradigm from Monologue to dialogue conversion, combined with the actual college students, give full play to college students the role of ideological and political education paradigm. The arrival of the era of big data, not only brings opportunities to the ideological and political education of college students, but also posed a serious challenge. Virtual social identity shaken the existing system, a profound impact on the ideological and political education environment, threats Students privacy and how to interpret scientific data become big new issues. Promote ideological and political education work based on large data Mechanism Innovation students, educators to enhance their level of information, to take a scientific means to enhance the ef fectiveness of large data acquisition, based on innovation paradigm of big data, improve the relevant rules and regulations, Big Data Application processing procedures, accurately grasp the ideological trend of dynamic students, sharing complex associated data. From Effectiveness departure ideological and political education, noting that the era of ideological and political education needs paradigm shift, put forward the ideological and political education paradigm shift orientation: Students diversification purposes of ideological and political education, humanity; target specific ideological and political education technology, equalization; ideological and political education of life, flexible technology; ideological and political education means of penetration, interactive. Four aspects of ideological and political education of the people Paradigm conducted a preliminary inquiry, hoping to take this direction to ensure the ideological and political education Paradigm successfully converted. Keywords Students; ideological and political education; paradigm shift; teaching evaluation; orientation Ideological and political education involving teaching paradigm major culvert and Research Paradigm Paradigm these two core level, the traditional ideological and political education paradigm into a monologue instead of focusing on an increasingly prominent theory diehard Lack of Realistic. For ideological and political education of college students real practical results, the building is conducive College Students Growth paradigm of ideological and political education has become essential, which also makes educators actively seek reasonable paradigm ideological and political education has become inevitable. Ideological and political education refers to a certain class, political parties, social groups with certain ideas, political views, ethics, applied to its members purposeful, planned, organized influence, so that they meet certain social formation, a certain class of the social practice needs moral character. Ideological and political education is a relatively independent of the particular system, there are more perfect the basic theory, basic concepts and basic methods, educators to certain ideological and political education and information by means of a certain carrier media, effectively act on the process of college students . Common body in the ideological and political education, some common beliefs or views on the ideological and political educators recognized in the field of education and ideological and political nature of the Institute of Theoretical support, produced a series of ideological and political education ideas and genres, formed the ideological and political diversified Education development Paradigm. Ideological and political education paradigm is that people has occurred in the ideological and political education of views held, general way of thinking and thinking framework, its core is the way of thinking. Thought educators engaged in educational activities, follows the norms, ways of thinking, mode of education, experience and learn from others through examples and so called ideological and political education paradigm, the paradigm ideological and political education mainly with the characteristics of ideological and political education of college students formed unique educational system, it provides tools for the concept of ideological and political education of college students. Construction of ideological and political education paradigm is both ideological and political education of practical reason and call return, but also a reflection on the value of ideological and political education and the integration of scientific rationality. Despite ideological and political education paradigm undisputed facts, but because of the special nature of the ideological and political education, the division of its type paradigm has divergent views. Depending on the standard paradigm of ideological and political education can be divided into different types. According to the different fields of application, the ideological and political education into ideological and political paradigm Education Paradigm and Paradigm. Teaching Paradigm is the path of ideological and political workers in the teaching practice followed, an important factor in the ideological and political education concepts, theories and techniques routes include. Paradigm is the ideological and political education theory researchers to obtain results of a path of thinking, conduct and mode of discourse. According to the status of ideological and political education, the content and methods of three perspectives, ideological and political education models can be classified as instrumental paradigm ideological and political education, ideological and political education knowledge-based paradigm and instill ideological and political education paradigm. Instrumental ideological and political education is an educational paradigm based on the existing ideological and political education in society to define, and the ideological and political education as a tool for countries in need of salvation, contrary to the nature of the ideological and political education, shelter human values ideological and political education paradigm function and meaning of functions. Knowledge-based paradigm of ideological and political education is an educational paradigm in accordance with the content of ideological and political education to define, excessive pursuit of knowledge economy era thirst for knowl edge, ideological and political education lost its essential function of teaching people to learn in life. Type instill ideological and political education paradigm is to educate those who use mechanical, simple way to inject educated fixed values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and behavior required for specific social habits educational paradigm from teaching methods to the existing level of ideological and political education to define the way of education advocating simple infusion method, the object will be placed in the educated, passive acceptance of the status. Based on ideological and political education to understand the nature, it can be divided into ideological and political education paradigm paradigm and text Humanistic Paradigm. Text paradigm is to the book-oriented, policy-oriented policy document from the theory of ideological and political education philosophy and time mode. It is talk about abstract theory while ignoring students practical, pay attention to the text while ignoring students need logic, summed up only heavy books, than to men present. Humanistic Paradigm people-oriented, to meet the reasonable needs of people play human body, promote personal improvement and achieve comprehensive human development as the purpose and the starting point of ideological and political education. Students believe that education is both the object and the subject is education, not only education, guidance, encouragement, and respect, understanding, care and help students grow talent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At any time, ideological and political education in the ideological field will not disappear, cultivate socialist builders and successors, maintain its existing regime is always the same mission. However, in the ideological and political education course in order to achieve the set goals, we need to take into account the relationship between good individual needs and social needs, adhere to the people-oriented, and only in this way can always get peoples sincere support and cooperation in the implementation process. Marxist ideological and political education science paradigm is to be the times produced, it only emphasizes the social function of ideological and political education, but also take into account the individual features of ideological and political education, new perspective and height to locate the object of ideological and political education scientific and rational handling of the relationship between social needs and the needs of the individual. R ound development of people has become the main theme of ideological and political education. Purpose of ideological and political education in modern society continues to be diversified, humane, this is not a historical regression, on the contrary, ideological and political education of college students is in self-denial and constantly explore new trend of ideological and political education of survival and development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affected specific social environment, collectivism, value orientation in all areas of China has been fully developed and carried forward. This tendency to pursue the centrality of collective interests, the collective interests of one-dimensional thinking absolute priority in order to achieve collective interests, to achieve the desired goal of collective, personal interest in a certain range is weakened, or even limit. This situation is reflected in the ideological and political education objects, particularly reflected in the university student body, the college students is abstract, and college students into a passive capital of the people. Anti-Japanese War and the process of socialist construction, it unifies the ideological, college students gather strength, greatly enhancing the capacity-building and the construction of a new socialist enthusiasm of Chinese college students, the history of the mountain had also once appeared Students the countryside, the de velopment of the western region and other boom, visible contribution to the construction of the motherland Students tremendous power. However, with the economic and social development, multiculturalism began life full of college students, college students consciousness continues awakening, significantly enhanced sense of independence, this time should have timely adjustment of the kind of neglect, even limiting ideological and political education of college students individual needs, However, due to the lag of action, combined with ideological and political education for ideological and political education to understand the function of individual weaknesses, so that ideological and political education in modern society has become a university student can not fully reflect the thoughts of college students from reality pure class life. So, the social philosophical paradigm ideological and political education is facing serious challenges in modern society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Common body in the ideological and political education, some common beliefs or views on the ideological and political educators recognized in the field of education and ideological and political nature of the Institute of Theoretical support, produced a series of ideological and political education ideas and genres, formed the ideological and political diversified Education development Paradigm. A. Meaning Education Paradigm Ideological and political education paradigm is that people has occurred in the ideological and political education of views held, general way of thinking and thinking framework, its core is the way of thinking. Thought educators engaged in educational activities, follows the norms, ways of thinking, mode of education, experience and learn from others through examples and so called ideological and political education paradigm, the paradigm ideological and political education mainly with the characteristics of ideological and political education of college students formed unique educational system, it provides tools for the concept of ideological and political education of college students. Construction of ideological and political education paradigm is both ideological and political education of practical reason and call return, but also a reflection on the value of ideological and political education and the integration of scientific rationality. B. Path Selection Despite ideological and political education paradigm undisputed facts, but because of the special nature of the ideological and political education, the division of its type paradigm has divergent views. Depending on the standard paradigm of ideological and political education can be divided into different types. According to the different fields of application, the ideological and political education into ideological and political education Paradigm Paradigm and Paradigm. Teaching Paradigm is the path of ideological and political workers in the teaching practice followed, an important factor in the ideological and political education concepts, theories and techniques routes include. Paradigm is the ideological and political education theory researchers to obtain results of a path of thinking, conduct and mode of discourse. An educational paradigm, ideological and political education as a tool for countries in need of salvation, contrary to the nature of the ideological and political education, ideological and political education paradigm obscured human value function and meaning of functions. Knowledge-based paradigm of ideological and political education is an educational paradigm in accordance with the content of ideological and political education to define, excessive pursuit of knowledge economy era thirst for knowledge, ideological and political education lost its essential function of teaching people to learn in life. Type instill ideological and political education paradigm is to educate those who use mechanical, simple way to inject educated fixed values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and behavior required for specific social habits educational paradigm from teaching methods to the existing level of ideological and political education to define the way of education advocating simple infusi on method, the object will be placed in the educated, passive acceptance of the status. Based on ideological and political education to understand the nature, it can be divided into ideological and political education paradigm paradigm and text Humanistic Paradigm. Text paradigm is to the book-oriented, policy-oriented policy document from the theory of ideological and political education philosophy and time mode. It is talk about abstract theory while ignoring students practical, pay attention to the text while ignoring students need logic, summed up only heavy books, than to men present. Humanistic Paradigm people-oriented, to meet the reasonable needs of people play human body, promote personal improvement and achieve comprehensive human development as the purpose and the starting point of ideological and political education. Students believe that education is both the object and the subject is education, not only education, guidance, encouragement, and respect, understanding, care and help students grow talent. C. Predicament and Breakthrough Bearing on the ideological and political education paradigm abstract scientific theory, then under the specific educational practice, it is join the ideological and political education theory and practice of ties and bridges. The current lot of ideological and political education paradigm was unable to meet the needs of development of college students, ideological and political education must be based on Marxist epistemology and methodology as a starting point, strive to get rid of the existing paradigm fetters, build a reasonable paradigm, the students of human dignity, freedom, happiness and overall development as the ultimate concern of ideological and political education, students fairness, tolerance, integrity, independence, self-reliance, self-consciousness and ideas. From the ideological and political education paradigm type of view, instrumental only pay attention to ideological and political education paradigm social needs, ignoring the overall development of the people, who put their professional education as a means to earn a living, pay attention to the teaching of the theory of norms preaching, not too much consider the relationship between political theory and the development of students, and students is that learning is the ideological and political theory needs of the country, we need to test, regardless of their own development, not to be combined with their own growth, there is no urgent need to learn, eventually leading to the ideological and political education value lost. Knowledge-based ideological and political education paradigm of the function of ideological and political education is only limited to imparting knowledge level, the ideological and political education equivalent to the intellectual, focusing on students knowledge indoctrination, ignoring the student body characteristics, according to the students knowledge learning logic to arrange teaching, moral education to make educated, humanistic value of training style education, ideological and political education is lost. Instill type of ideological and political education paradigm emphasizes subjectivity body, ignoring subjectivity object, ignoring the object carried by the culture, interests, needs and realities of life factors likely to cause differences in ideals and beliefs of society and college students real desire between educational purposes and human development out of touch, ideological and political education by subjectivity lost. D. Significance of Education Ideological and political education paradigm coupling ideological and political education and ideological and political education community, education is the intermediary between the subject and object of education. Reasonable ideological and political education paradigm, ideological and political education subject and object of education closely linked, so that the subject of education, education and education paradigm object organic education recognize the overall composition. Paradigm has a point to ideological and political education practice features and content, can be thought of education, practice methods lead to a common paradigm-based research who are committed to the same rules and standards in the practice of science. Formation of ideological and political education paradigm established a common belief common body of ideological and political education groups, ways of thinking and common theoretical basis, so that researchers from scattered to integration, relatively close, you can conduct in-depth exchanges of academic community. The researchers thinking, ideas and methods of ideological and political education focused on the existing problems, to keep the achievements that have been made to deepen. Ideological and political education is the ideological and political education paradigm real-world complexity in the method for decomposing the ideological and political education, paradigm, once formed, it will have a strong vitality, when the paradigm can not be used to explain and guide the resolution of the ideological and political education in the field most problems, paradigm shift will occur. Therefore, the current ideological and political education paradigm from monologue to dialogue with the conversion will be the ideological and political education theory and practice to promote the in-depth and in full swing. Big Data era, many privacy protective efficacy have shown a downward trend, whereas the previous privacy protection mechanisms have also been hit hard, for example, in anonymity, blurring and other aspects, its role is gradually reduced, and the new set up for the protection of privacy institutional mechanisms right is also facing many challenges. Fast developed communication technology, social development and structural change and gradually form a network of virtual structure, are showing growing trend change. The newly formed venture is likely to be caused by the use of advanced technological means to prevent and defuse the risk, not only of the existing system is facing greater challenges of identity, and even lead to the acceleration of normal social order into chaos. Thought awareness and value judgments big boost Students wave data from the network for more internet. It is due to the growing diversity of the characteristics of the network information content presented on both the mainstream concept of a strong impact, one-way interaction between the members of society as a guide for both methods produced profound effects sexuality, network development process by showing innovative mode of transmission for both itself has produced a strong challenge stereotyping. To enhance the ideological and political education, ideological and political education workers is an urgent need for large data essence, features in-depth understanding, and thus establish a large data thinking, that is comprehensive, ambiguity, open mind, and ultimately to develop a scientific accurate large data collection, and analysis judged the ability to choose. Big data can threaten the privacy and freedom of college students, exacerbated by its dependence on big data. Related Information Students Internet use is likely to be compromised, even by others or some unscrupulous people to grasp. Meanwhile, college students are actually a lot of information of the data, a dedicated, the corresponding database information system. Therefore, those in the more vulnerable party information university administrators and students will seriously affect the effectiveness of ideological and political education, which seriously threaten student privacy issues. In the data age, social dependence on big data is growing, but the reliability and interpretation of scientific certainty how big data is becoming a challenge in todays society. If the poor quality of the collected data is large, reach the quantification purposes, data analysis, there is bound to highly misleading or even wrong. Standardized data to test the ideological and political quality of college students on a comprehensive assessment of its university set reasonable incentive issues, whether objectively reasonable to highlight the desired quality of teachers? For these problems, data analysis is difficult to ensure the reliability of conclusions. At the same time, gradually to the era of big data transformation process, we can not accurately predict the existence of data between non-objectivity and even misleading, as similar risks if not addressed, will affect the Ideological and Political Education Effectiveness. Advanced information technology to continuously promote ideological and political education and the high degree of integration between information technology, it has become an inevitable choice of ideological and political education of college students study. Opportunity data Ideological and Political Education in the following areas. A. Enhance the comprehensive study Big data can be used to record the ideological and political education of the complete process. Through data integration platform to build, constantly bringing together public data relating to a public network platform and network questionnaire presented, can fully understand the needs of contemporary college students, more personalized service to student growth and success; the original resource data, intermediate outcomes to be three-dimensional applications, so that the ideological trend of college students to highlight the problem and empirical quantification, with a distinct sense of the times and lead, is conducive to strengthening the whole dynamic of research on college students ideological; through the collection of data and large campus induction, both ideological and understand the whole picture, living conditions, concluded that sampling can not be obtained, but also validate previous findings by the full sample data, discover the intrinsic correlation between data to pre dict trends, which has targeted to carry on the thinking and behavior of college students early warning. B. Scientific structure   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the rapid development of information era, microblogging, letter, forum, Baidu Post Bar and BBS and other social media use has become college students space for free speech, mobile phones, tablet PCs and other mobile network terminal equipment, in favor of the Internet to view the information, opinions and participate in the network a hot topic, so in a timely manner crawl structured data and unstructured data, data-oriented, structured process to become a reality. Universities also through the campus network and campus card business and other relatively sophisticated systems have been built up, the gradual accumulation of student data, overall objective and accurate simulation of diversity. C. The depth of excavation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rich data types between the depth of data mining association offers the possibility, through rapid data calculations can quickly synchronize even reflect the real life world, reflect the students thinking, living, learning situation. Compared to traditional static data, sync data with higher reliability, which overcomes the shortcomings of inference based on experience or intuition. Ideological and political education by restructuring the data, revealing the depth of the problem difficult to deal with the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹dynamic or unpredictable, is conducive to play a personalized education, easier to promote the health of students, so as to enhance the ideological and political education work effective. D. Scientific research methods   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Big Data is changing the existing forms of communication, new media presents a series of distinctive features, such as data, personalization, etc., are at large continue to strengthen the development of the background data, and presents many new changes. Large data-based terminal and new media content hosted, for the audience to provide more detailed information and personalized service. In the field of ideological and political education, through a complex network analysis, large-scale data collection and other scientific methods, significantly enhances the Science of Humanities and Social Sciences Research. E. Analysis on Ideological and Political Education to University Students Big Data Based   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How reasonable and lawful access to large data college students, and scientific and effective analysis and Interpretations, ideological and political education workers become urgent to resolve the issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The presence of harmful information on the proliferation of network, such as violence, false advertising, pornographic sites, etc., have increasingly become the new network nuisance. How quickly and accurately tease out the information in the complicated wave of the required information has become a major problem. Data mining era of big data needs depth, the complete use of structured, semi-structured and unstructured variety crawler. Data Source is currently working with the Students Ideological closely related, there are four categories: One is the campus Web site, including the campus network, the official micro-Bo, the student network platform, various departments of office automation platform, anti-technology platform and campus security services campus card platform. The main source of such data contains the students academic performance, classroom attendance, borrow books, the campus card consumption, awards, funded situation, employment intentions and oth er individual sample data. The second is social media, such as microblogging, letter, forum, paste it, quiz communities, social networking sites, the main source of such data to reflect public opinion and association between samples society. The third is the search engines, such as Baidu, Google and so on, this kind of data by searching the index highlights major social hotspots and trends. The fourth is the portal, such as Peoples Daily, Xinhua, Sina, Netease, mainly reflecting the social hot and students attention and relevance feedback. F. Data Mining   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Better access to useful data, need to determine the so-called keyword parameters on the basis of huge amounts of data collected on. The keyword is just not enough, we also need an interdisciplinary group of experts from fields such as management, computer science and other disciplines. Hadhoop is currently the more popular access to massive data information platform, through this platform, any individual or organization can own needs related to data mining. College authorities can collect various types of structured, semi-structured data is processed through hadhoop platform to educate students to obtain useful information. G. Big Data Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Big data analysis is a huge amount of data to search, compare, clustering, statistical analysis, to explore the correlation between the data to arrive at the appropriate conclusions. Depending on the problem, the use of the ideological and political education, sociology, psychology and other related theories selecting different analytical methods, such as regression analysis, neural network method, and select the appropriate point of observation and quantification procedures. In particular, the use of visualization technology, the data can be converted to describe the state of mind, thinking and behavior of college students in a profound grasp of the development on the basis of ideological and timely manner to dynamic analysis, forecasting and guidance, to explore the ideological development of the law of Students. Conclusion Information collection and analysis process is a key step in the ideological and political education, ideological and political education research paradigm to innovate, and constantly improve the level of quantitative analysis. To this end, efforts need to do the following: First, the resource-rich and data-related departments, media and enterprises to carry out extensive cooperation, with its advantages of large volumes of data, legal compliance dig Students relevant information to formulate and improve ideological and political education policy provide a scientific basis; the second is to create suitable for all levels of ideological and political education work in big data platform, and further work to establish long-term effective mechanism for data collection and analysis process; third is to actively set up an interdisciplinary research group, give full play to the advantages of multi-disciplinary , formation of force; Fourth, identify the starting point and focus thought Stude nts collected information, and effectively improve the timeliness of information analysis, both online and offline from good grasp of the overall state of mind contact with the student population and various events between more emphasis on the accumulation of individual data of students, revealing the depth of individual thinking and behavior situation, and then to carry out personalized, customized educational activities to provide strong support, in order to improve the relevance and effectiveness of different types of ideological and political education.

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