Sunday, April 12, 2020

Study Guideline Essay Example

Study Guideline Essay How to write your study plan You are more than just a grade report sheet, and the study plan section of your application is your chance to tell us about yourself. Personal statements are not easy to write, and require substantial planning. Entry to Tsukuba is highly competitive, so spending time on writing the best personal statement possible is important. Plan We’re interested in why you chose this course, at Tsukuba, and Japan. Ask yourself; Why did I choose to study this major? Why are you interested in this subject? Is there a specific topic within this field which interests you? Have you studied this before? What do you expect from the program and from the university? Are you aiming to become qualified for a specific job? Why did I choose Tsukuba, rather than another G30 university? Have you investigated the other G30 universities? What was it that attracted you to Tsukuba specifically? Why do I want to study in Japan? Do you have some special attachment to Japan or Japanese culture? What are my long-term goals, and how does studying in Tsukuba help me reach those goals? Do you want to go on to a Masters degree or PhD? Do you want to work in Japan after graduation? We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guideline specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guideline specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guideline specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer What makes me a stand-out candidate? Do you have some special skills or passions which make you a more interesting person? What personal qualities do you possess which make you a good choice for this program? Write Drafts You should have a lot of information on paper by now. That information has to be organised and a draft (or two or three) of your study plan will have to be written. Use separate paragraphs for separate sections, and try to impose a logical structure on your writing. Think carefully about how you want to structure your personal statement. Try to be concise when writing your study plan. The use of concrete examples can help you express yourself clearly. We appreciate that English is some applicants’ second language. However, please try your best not to make spelling errors and use correct grammar and punctuation. Keep your sentences short and simple. Get Feedback Finally, when you’ve written your draft, we suggest giving it a few days and re-reading it. Ask for teachers, parents or friends to read it over and give honest feedback. Give yourself plenty of time to work through numerous versions of your draft, until you are completely happy.

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