Monday, May 25, 2020

People s Understanding Of Food - 1736 Words

People’s understanding of food is shaped by many different things. For example, a Wendy’s Power Mediterranean Chicken Salad, Half sized would be viewed differently by what a person considers â€Å"healthy†, how they want their body to look like, where they come from, their income level, and whether they are male or female. Wendy’s description of its salad says â€Å"Here s the nutrient-rich, protein-packed fuel you need to power through your day. Always-fresh-grilled chicken teams up with a savory ensemble of feta cheese, hummus, and sundried tomato quinoa blend to take this salad to the next level. This product is available at participating locations.† It has 230 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 20 grams of protein. When it comes to health and the Wendy’s salad I view it as a healthier option compared to the rest of the menu. I would pick this when I feel like eating something that I would consider is good for me and giving me nutrients.It wo uld make me feel better about myself if I eat the salad over a cheesburger or chicken nuggets. Someone like Michael Pollan would view this salad as a healthier option than anything else on the Wendy’s menu since it is more plant based with the lettuce, but he probably still would not recommend it. In his 9 pieces of advice he claims â€Å"Avoid even those food products that come bearing health claims† (Pollan 13). In the wendy’s description it includes many health claims like â€Å"nutrient-rich†, â€Å"Always-fresh†, and low amount of calories. PollanShow MoreRelatedProblems With Nutritional Food Labels1620 Words   |  7 Pageswith Nutritional Food Labels It is very common nowadays to walk into a restaurant and look at a menu and see a side note with the amount of calories that each plate holds. 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