Saturday, June 8, 2019

Amusment Park Job Essay Example for Free

Amusment common Job EssayIntroduction A ride phalanx has given you the all clear, the train begins to a ascend slowly up the mammoth 200ft steel mountain, your heart begins to race, you struggle to catch a breath as you are aware of the many twists and turns that are presumed to follow as you creep your way over the ominous peak. Life in many ways posterior be alluded to the adrenaline rush of racing on a crimp-coaster. To experience that rush on a daily basis and you become the driving tie behind what makes these chaotic machines of terror and excitement operate with such grace and cohesion would be much more than a career. The role of putting green film director can be a very difficult and stressful position, but the daily compensation is much more that can be put in a bank account. I will be discussing the job description, requirements, work conditions and prospects of this position. Job Description A theme car park manager works in a very dynamic environment and this job requires a vast assortment of responsibilities and tasks that are mainly influenced by the size of the park you are managing.Managing a smaller park, such as Coney Island, would entail much less complexity in everyday operations in comparison to a larger park, such as Cedar Point, but would be just as rewarding and present its own challenges. Although vast and varying based on a particular pose values and needs, Brad Thomas director of operations at Silver Dollar City Branson MI states the position description as Directors of Operations manage the overall operations of the theme park. He or she mustiness do extensive planning and budgeting. He or she makes sure that the plans are in place, so the attraction or park does not make any promises it cannot keep.He or she also must see that all decisions do are within the parks mission, vision, and values. Directors of Operations exert authority over every activity taking place in the attraction or theme park. Each park has vary ing degrees of accountability delegated to the operations manager, but the basic function doesnt vary from park to park. Job Requirements In this position, correction experience is just as important as the educational requirements. Most parks look for someone that has worked their way up within a park and has first-hand experience with the park and its daily functions that includes everything from a ride host to admissions.The ideal candidate would be someone who has grown and developed their experience and education at the park they are seeking to manage. A job listing for a park management position at Coney Island requested the following requirements for their applicants A minimum of 5 years of experience in a management role within an amusement park or entertainment facility. Post-secondary education in subscriber line, recreation, or hospitality management. Excellent communication, interpersonal, and customer service skills along with strong team building and motivating abilit ies.A firm grasp of financial business principles, safety compliance, time-management, and computer skills. Ability to work long hours-weekends/nights are required. This is a position that is not usually given to someone just out of college. You must earn this position by working your way to the top. Work Conditions Work conditions depend on the location and whether or not the park is seasonal. Most parks operate from May through October, and can experience everything from scorching heat during the summer to freezing fall temperatures.This is prevalent to the position of park manager because some of the day is spent not in the office but throughout the park monitoring daily operations. They must be on site to hold back that the park is functioning properly and guest satisfaction is optimal. Rain or shine a park manager must monitor the parks activities and oppose guest satisfaction at all times. Salary Range Once again the details of the position vary greatly upon the size of the park and what that precise park delegates to the park manager. Brad Thomas stated that An average salary range for a Director of Operations is from $21,900 to $86,500.The smaller properties sacrifice the lower salary, musical composition the larger and more prestigious properties have the larger salaries. This may not seem like a fortune to most but the people in these positions have a true passion for their respective parks. Job Prospects There are currently 285 operating parks with at least one roller coaster according to rollercoaster database (rcdb. com). Considering that new parks are rarely established and with most parks only having one park manager, this leads to the position of park manager cosmos a very competitive career path.Although with limited opportunities, those who have a passion for this industry have the ability to make themselves stand out and amplify their chances for success in seeking management employment. Conclusion In conclusion, the prospects of ga ining this position may not seem obtainable due to the limited number of park managers. However, if you have the passion, education and skill requirements, then you have the potential of progressing your way to a park manager. Those who have received and hold this job title have spent countless years dedicating their lives and efforts to this industry.They have truly found an exceptional experience to call a career. The monetary benefits are overshadowed by the joy they recreate to thousands of guests that visit their park on a yearly basis. Works Sited Amusement Park Search Results. Rollercoaster Database. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. Similar Jobs Recommended For You. Similar Jobs Recommended For You. N. p. , 16 Jan. 2013. Web. 09 Feb. 2013. Theme Park Manager Job Description. Prospects. ac. uk. N. p. , 1 Sept. 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. Thomas, Brad. Director of Operations Attraction/Theme Park. Entertainment Management. N. p. , 01 Nov. 2000. Web. 09 Feb. 2013.

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