Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Multitasking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multitasking - Essay ExampleComputer multitasking within the single core micro influenceor entails time sharing of the processor. This is because only one activity can be acted at one time however, the tasks are rotated many times per second. In multi-core computers, the core can engage in separate task at the resembling time. The first publication of the term multitasking initially appeared in the IBM paper that illustrated the effectiveness of the 1965 IBM System/360.As from the 1960s, many psychologists have done studies and experiments on the aspect of forgiving multitasking. The basic experimental design applied in the analysis of human multitasking involves the psychological refractory period effect. In the experimental design, individuals are required to perform separate responses for the two stimuli that are presented within close time duration. The most general research result illustrates reduction in the response levels during the second stimulus. Researchers more and m ore suggest existence of processing bottlenecks, which hinder the brain from handing certain key aspects of the several tasks simultaneously. The researchers further illustrates that the cognitive process that experience severe bottlenecks is the memory grooming and information retrieval (Steven, Adam & Arturo 1321).Psychiatrist Edward Hallowell has explained multitasking as people mythically believing that they can engage in several tasks, effectively as one. On the contrary, in that respect is adequate evidence that individuals have the capability of performing motor and perceptual activities at similar time. Several researchers have also analyzed multitasking in the process of learning. Some researchers analyzed the concept of cognitive loading during multimedia learning. The two illustrated that it is challenging or even impossible to acquire new information when multitasking. Multitasking negatively influence academic performance. This shows that learners who participate in h igh multitasking levels

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