Saturday, August 17, 2019

Accidents, Illness and Emergencies in the Early Years Setting

Describe the policies and procedures for dealing with accidents, injuries, illnesses and other emergencies that are in place within the school setting (P3). These policies and procedures of accident, injury, illness and other emergencies are in place within the school setting to govern working practices and provide quality and an agreed framework for action. The management within the school setting is responsible for creating the policies and for checking that they are being followed, and the staffs are responsible for implementing the policies.As all staff and parents must be aware of these policies, you will often find them on a notice board, or in the settings brochure. It is also important that new staff are informed of these policies and procedures during their induction.The school policy states, â€Å"†¦Our paramount importance is to regard the health and safety of all employees, pupils and other visitors to Windwhistle Primary School†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The following statement s, dealing with accidents, injuries, illnesses and other emergencies is issued in pursuance of the Health and Safety at Work Act. 1974 and the policy of the County Council.Accidents and Injuries Policy and Procedures†¢All accidents must be reported to the Head Teacher and entered into the accident book which is found in Health and Safety Rep's first aid folder.†¢Fatal or Major Injuries must be reported immediately by telephone to Health and Safety Office and also to the Chair of Governors. This must be followed up by the completion of an accident report form and sent to the Education Health and Safety Officer.†¢Dangerous Occurrences must also be reported immediately by telephone to Health and Safety Officer as above.First Aid – Dealing with Accidents, Injuries, Illnessess and Other Emergencies.The appointed person(s) by the head are qualified to administer first aid to casualties. The responsibilities of the appointed person(s) are: †¢To take charge in the situation where personal injury or illness has occurred and where further medical help is needed.†¢To ensure that the first aid boxes/cupboards are fully stocked with designated items only. In the case of serious injury (other emergency), responsibility of the appointed person ends when the patient is handed over to medical care or parent/guardian.The first aid boxes/cupboards in Windwhistle Primary School are located in: †¢The Main Office †¢The Staff Room †¢Class Year 4D †¢And Class Year 1J All outside class rooms hold basis first aid equipment. Notices giving details of whereabouts of first aid facilities will be displayed at appropriate sites.The Head Teacher will assume responsibilities of the appointed person in the absence of the appointed person. However, these instances should be very few and far between as planned cover should be achieved and only in the case of unplanned absence will this situation occur. All teaching staff act in loco parentis du ring the time that the school is open for children.All injuries, whether to staff, pupils or visitors, must be recorded via the school accident book or for more serious injuries, on the accident report forms. North Somerset's guidance for accident reporting should be followed at all times (covered later on). Any serious injuries or illness should be transported to hospital by ambulance as the patient's condition could worsen. Accidents or illnesses of this type should be reported by telephone or fax in the first instance to the Health and Safety Officer and then followed by a written report/investigation using appropriate North Somerset paperwork.No attempt to move an injured person should be made until a proper  examination and assessment has been completed. There is clear evidence that premature handling of the casualty has worsened injuries.Minor injuries and may be treated on a self-help basis or by any members of staff in loco parentis.THE CARE OF SICK CHILDREN (DEALING WITH ILLNESSESS)Windwhistle Primary School recognises its responsibility to promote a learning environment that is safe for all. In order to maintain a clean and healthy environment this policy provides guidance for staff and parents as to when children should or should not be in school if showing signs of illness. The health and wellbeing of all children is of paramount importance to enable them to be successful learners and to be the best that they can be.Guidance†¢Children should not be brought to school if they are displaying signs of illness. If parents do bring children to school and staff feel that they are unfit for school, parents / carers / emergency contact will be contacted and requested to come and collect their child and requested not to return their child to school until symptom free.†¢If a child is thought to be unwell while at school they will be seen by a qualified first aider as the condition of the child needs to be assessed. This should be done in a kind an d caring manner. The Head Teacher of should be informed of any sick children.†¢Should a child become ill whilst at school, a member of staff will contact the parent / carer / emergency contact. While awaiting the arrival of parents, the staff will ensure the comfort of the child in the school office, taking appropriate action, which would include seeking medical advice if necessary. If the child is in danger, the staff will seek medical advice immediately. Should a member of staff consider an illness / situation to warrant immediate medical attention, they will report to a First Aider and Head Teacher who will contact emergency services or take the child directly to Hospital and the parent / carer notified accordingly.†¢Staff will report any worries about a child's health to the parents / carers immediately. Parents are responsible for keeping the school informed about their child's health.†¢Children with infectious or contagious diseases will be excluded for certain periods. If staff suspect that a child has an infectious or contagious disease, they will request that parents / carers consult a doctor before returning the child to school and the school will seek advice from the Health Protection Agency.†¢We recommend that children do not attend school while suffering from one of the communicable diseases and they should be excluded for the minimum periods recommended by their Doctor. Although exposure of children to a communicable disease in itself is not sufficient reason to require their absence from school, any child who becomes a home contact of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers will be requested to remain absent from school for the recommended time. The school will take advice from the Health Protection Agency.†¢Coughs and colds do not normally require the child to be absent from school but this depends on the severity and how the child is able to cope with the school routine. A child who is, or who appears to be unwell may be asked to return home.†¢A child who has sickness or diarrhoea whilst at school should be collected immediately and kept absent from school for 48 hours following the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.†¢Parents will always be contacted and informed if their child has a high temperature of 101F / 38C or above.†¢To prevent the spread of conjunctivitis, suspected cases will be reported immediately to parents who will be requested to take their child from school  to seek medical advice. When treatment commences, the child may return to school.†¢Chicken Pox – children need to be absent from school for a minimum of 5 days from the onset of the rash. After this time, if all spots have dried and scabbed over, the child can return to School. Parents / carers will also be contacted if their child develops a rash or suspected thrush. This will need to be checked by a Doctor whose advice should be followed.†¢If your child has not been his/he r normal self at home but is not showing signs of illness when brought to school, parents should mention this to staff and ensure that contact details are correct and that they are obtainable.†¢The school understands the needs of working parents and do not aim to exclude children from school unnecessarily. However the decision of school is final when requesting the exclusion of a child for illness or infection. Decisions will take into account the needs of the child and those of the other children and staff in school.OTHER EMERGENCIES – FIRE DRILLSFire and Emergency Procedures†¢Each week the alarm will be tested to ensure that it is effective. Points from different zones should be used to trigger the alarm to ensure that all break glass or other points are in working order. Details should be recorded in the Fire Log Book.†¢Fire drills must be carried out at least once per term to enable everyone to become familiar with the evacuation procedure. Details should b e recorded in the Fire Log Book.†¢In each room there should be a diagram showing exit and line up points.†¢The location explosive substances such as gas and paint should be known and the Senior Fire Officer informed upon arrival.†¢At present gas cylinders are stored in locked safety cages outside the classrooms†¢Temporary heaters are located in the storage area at the foot of the stairs.†¢Other highly flammable/explosive substances are not held on this site.†¢Fire exits and fire exit routes should be free from obstruction. At all times all exit doors must be unlocked whilst there are people in the building.†¢All fire exits must be clearly labelled and comply with legislation e.g. should be pictorial rather than just writing.†¢The use of display materials must be controlled in fire exit corridors. Display/notice boards should be covered in Perspex to limit combustible materials in fire corridors.†¢All visitors spending any length of time i n the school should be made aware of arrangements in case of fire.†¢The fire log book is kept in the Care Takers cupboard. Full and detailed records are kept of evacuations, call point testing, alarm system servicing, fire fighting equipment checks etc.On Discovery of A Fire†¢Operate the nearest alarm call point †¢Go to the nearest telephone and dial 999 †¢Carry out any previously arranged duties to be done in the event of fire or go to the nearest line up point.†¢On sounding the alarm, the fire brigade will be summoned if necessary by senior management. All staff, pupils and visitors must leave the building immediately, closing doors behind them as necessary.†¢Line up points have been designated and a diagram displaying where they are is placed in each room.†¢Only if there is no risk to personal injury should attempts be made to tackle a fire using a suitable fire extinguisher. In addition, if there is no risk of injury, mains services such as gas and electricity should be turned off.†¢The mains isolator for gas can be found †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..N/A†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and the mains isolator for electricity can be found in the downstairs stock cupboard.Action on Hearing a Fire Alarm†¢Teacher or responsible adult will supervise children leaving the building by appropriate exit, closing the door when the last person is out. (Diagrams located in each room).†¢Proceed to line up point in the allocated playground.†¢Walk quickly. Do NOT run.†¢Keep calm.†¢Do not stop to collect any personal belongings or books.†¢Registers will be taken to the line up points by the secretary and distributed to teachers for roll call.†¢If the fire brigade has been called there must be clear access to the site by emergency services.Explain how the school should ensure that the policies and procedures are followed effectively (M2).To ensure that the policies and procedures are followed effectively the s chool should: †¢Ensure that all staff are aware of the policies and have a duty to co-operate with them.†¢Ensure that all policies and procedures are easily accessible for reference.†¢Provide adequate training and instruction to enable all employees and pupils to perform their duties safely and efficiently.†¢The Head Teacher, Senior Members of staff and School Governors should make regular reviews on the policies and procedures to make sure they are in a good working order.†¢Teaching staff could try to incorporate the health, wellbeing and safety procedures into activities for pupils. For example, role modelling activities in what to do in case of a fire or what to do if a peer falls ill.†¢Routines as stated by policy and procedure, for example fire drills, should be practiced on a regular basis. This is to ensure on real occurrences, the routines can be followed effectively.

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