Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Australian government disability policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Australian government disability policy - Essay Example The latest research surveys conducted by global disability association illustrated that, out of the total current worlds’ population; approximately 10 percent are found to be disabled in one way or another. However, it is still contrastingly clear that, disabled persons form the minority on the society. Despite the fact that, communities have been sensitised to recognize the disabled like any other member of the society, persons with disability are still prone to subjection of acts of violence and rape. The offenders are likely to get a way scot free without legal intervention. This is the main reason as to why the federal Government of Australia has enacted the disability policy to ensure fairness and equal opportunities in all roles within the society. Integration of the disability policy Since it had been brought to the limelight that, people associated with disability are often assumed with a lot of neglect in most of the societal structure. The Australian Government, ther efore, pushed for their recognition just as any other normal citizen in the federal republic. To start with, the Government enacted equalization of persons with disability act to drive a sense of equity in the delivery of services and equitable sharing of responsibility in favour of the disabled persons so that, they can enjoy the same kind of life associated with able members of the society. According to this act, the federal government has put in place mandatory policy to all the institutions offering any form of employments both at private and state level to empower and exercise right of the disabled person (Paun 2006). This authority has been designed to be far much felt both in rural and urban areas where the disabled human resource who are otherwise recognised as to able are differently given equal opportunities to ascertain productive employment with respect to the labor market. The basic advantage of this policy is to avert any form of discrimination of persons perceived to be disabled and no obstacles should be brought in their way while pursuing employment. Besides, the Australian federal Government has ensured harmony and integration of disabled persons into open employment. It has offered support which is being driven through different kinds of measures such as offering vocational training for persons considered to have severe physical problems and disadvantaged from joining higher levels of education. With respect to vocational training, talent development and a skilled perfection is made as a way of making them to achieve equal status like the other members of the society (Paun 2006). Some amongst the advantages of this policy is that, the state provides a lot of incentives to the disabled through what is called the quota schemes. Such invectives come in terms of reserved openings and employment opportunities which are specifically meant for the disabled. Besides, they are given fair opportunities in accessing loans at affordable interest rates a nd grants with sufficient settlement duration of repayment, and this makes them feel the advantage of entrepreneurship. However, for this not to be visualized as undue advantage to the rest of the society, strategies can be put in place to disburse incentives to a group or combination of both able and disabled persons so as to avert unfairness or biasness. Moreover, the government is very much considerate and has subsidised the tax collected from such persons and has instead facilitated compliance in terms of offering contracts besides funding and other technical assistance to the institutions that has put in recognition to employ persons with disabilities. This acts as an additional support in generation of returns helping in the collective support in building of the society in all aspects of personalities (Vosko 2006). The Australian National council, a body, which supports the awareness of persons with disa

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