Saturday, September 28, 2019

Argument Pornography

Wackier focuses his argument on the slippery slope effect, which he claims is a negative effect of the censoring of pornography. In this context, the slippery slope effect Is defined by Historical as A serious risk that once any censorship is allowed, the power to censor will, over time, expand in unintended and undesirable directions (p. 382). This definition along with The fact that it is extremely difficult, If not Impossible, to formulate unequivocal and unambiguous criteria for censorship (Wackier p. 82), Wackier makes the conclusion that [t]he lippies slope effect will eventually.. . Suppress the rights, interests, and values of others (p . 382). I agree with Wassails flirts reason for his argument against the censorship of pornography. I also believe that the censorship of pornography will cause the slippery slope effect. Because the slippery slope effect Is extremely difficult to stop once it has been started, I believe the censorship of pornography will lead to the suppression of many freedoms of expression. When many freedoms of expression are suppressed then censorship no longer effects Just pornography In Longings sense. Therefore, I believe that by censoring pornography citizens of American will most likely have less expressive liberty. I also believe that once Longings definition of pornography Is censored, the slippery slope effect will continually occur, as its name Implies. Thus, the argument of censoring pornography as Longing defines it would cease to exist and the argument of censoring pornography as a less explicit definition than Longings would then take precedence.I believe that the redefining of pornography would continue to occur allowing new censorship arguments to rise. This snowball effect (the slippery lope effect) will eventually Impact numerous aspects of American life that were not intended to be effected by the original argument for censoring pornography. Though I could give several examples that redefining pornography eventually continually redefining pornography will eventually lead to the censorship of education because pornographic material, even as Longing defines it, is di scussed and visually presented in most higher educational institutions.Many college courses could not be taught if it were not for the liberty to openly discuss and watch pornography and all its aspects. If we begin to censor pornography, then the some aspects of the educational system will eventually disappear, such as certain health courses, and students in higher education will be slighted. Second, if pornography continues to be redefined the economy will be impacted. With the slippery slope effect, the definition of pornography will become so strict that many advertisements, movies, and art could not be displayed.The censorship of pornography in the television industry alone could lead to the loss of billions of dollars. More importantly, many artists and photographers who depict certain sexual scenes may e put out of work. So, that is why I believe the slippery slope effect will keep redefining pornography and allowing for the argument of censorship to encroach on many aspects of American life. A second reason Wackier gives for his argument that we should be wary of censoring pornography is that exposure to pornography has a cathartic effect and that it therefore produces a net reduction in harm to women (Wackier p. 83). Wackier further explains [t]his claim [the cathartic claim] is based upon two assumptions, neither of which has proven to be false: (1) Men who are not already violence-prone are ore likely to be Turned off than to be Turned on by depictions of rape, brutality, dismemberment, etc. (2) For men in the later category, exposure to pornography can function as a substitute for actually causing harm (Wackier p. 383). This quote explains Wassails definition of the cathartic effect in the context of pornography, although the cathartic effect can be applied to many aspects of life.I agree with Wassails second reason for why we should be wary of censoring pornography. I believe that people who are not mentally and physically attracted to violence are not mentally or physically attracted to depictions of violence in orangeroot. In addition, I believe that violent depictions in pornography act as an outlet for those people who are attracted physically and mentally to violent depictions in pornography. In other words, I too believe in the cathartic effect.I believe it is important to understand that the only reason an object or idea should be censored is if that object or idea violates an American law, such as the first amendment to the constitution. Although advocates of censorship believe that the Censorship of pornography is a legitimate means of preventing harm to women (Wackier, p. 83) and the fact there are documented cases of pornography leading to violent crime, I believe laws censoring pornography, as Longing defines it, should not be made.I believe this because by making censorship laws for pornography, as Longing defines it, a citizens rights and liberties will be infringed upon instead of being protected. Laws are made in America for many reasons, but for the most part, they are made to protect the rights and liberties of a citizen, which are outlined by the constitution, and these laws are made with the majority of citizens in mind. By read, use, or watch whatever they choose. The first amendment right, which includes freedom of speech, may be infringed upon.More importantly, I believe it is invalid to make censorship laws for pornography Just because a hundred or even a thousand cases of violent pornographic rape scenes were acted out. It is most likely that those people involved in those cases will still act out violent depictions of rape once pornog raphy is censored. Therefore, we should be wary about censoring pornography because it will only hinder our rights and liberties and it will not prohibit violent rape scenes from being depicted.That is why I agree with Wassails second reason for being wary of censoring pornography and believe we should be careful in the pornography censorship laws we make because they will not necessarily protect our rights and liberties as citizens. In this paper, I have shown that Mark Wackier believes the slippery slope effect will greatly impact American life because the slippery slope effect will lead to the constant redefining of pornography.I have also shown that the cathartic effect is a valid argument for why we should be wary about the censorship of pornography because it shows that censorship laws will to necessarily prohibit violent depictions of rape from being acted out and that our rights and liberties, such as the first amendment, will be infringed upon. I have supported those reasons with my own belie fs and logical reasoning. Thus, making both the slippery slope effect and the cathartic effect valid reasons for why Wackier and myself believe we should be wary of censoring pornography.It is essential to ask whether or not the issue impedes on an American value or violates a law. I have shown in this paper, through Wassails reasons as well as my own, that we should be wary about the censorship of pornography. Mark Wackier argues that we should be very wary about the censorship of pornography, even if pornography, as Helen Longing defines it, exists. In order to fully understand Wassails reason for being wary of the censorship of pornography it is important that we use Helen Longings definition of pornography.Helen Longing defines pornography as distinguishing characteristic The degrading and demeaning portrayal of the role Helen Longings definition can be used as the basis of numerous arguments dealing censorship of pornography is that negative side effects are likely to occur if he slippery slope effect is defined by Wackier as A serious risk that once any extremely difficult, if not impossible, to formulate unequivocal and unambiguous others (p. 382). I agree with Wassails first reason for his argument against the censorship of slippery slope effect.Because the slippery slope effect is extremely difficult to stop are suppressed then censorship no longer effects Just pornography in Longings I also believe that once Longings definition of pornography is censored, the slippery slope effect will continually occur, as its name implies. Thus, the argument lope effect) will eventually impact numerous aspects of American life that were not effects American life, I will give only two examples: education and economy.

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