Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reasons for the failure of the hundred days reform in 1898 (History of Essay

Reasons for the failure of the hundred days reform in 1898 (History of China) - Essay Example In 1895, Shimonoseki mortifying treaty inflamed the anger of China’s public. Students took an action against this agreement and around 600 young students signed a ‘Ten Thousand Words Memorial’ refusing Shimonoseki treaty and promoted institutional reform. Kang Youwei was the leader. Regardless of the official and traditional ban against the political grouping, young scholars shaped an organization called hsueh-hui to save the country. After 1895, many loyal societies of this type emerged. These societies were extended over the provinces and were struggling to save their homeland. Emperor Guangxu and Kang Youwei were brought together, as both had the same motive to save their homeland from the enemies and unfaithful leaders.1 At that time there was a great threat posed to the people and the country of China and to settle the situation they needed a revolution. China was lacking in every field i.e. of technology and education. Technology was outdated in China and to compete with the developing world there was a need to change and adapt the conditions of the developing world. In the late 18th century countries started demanding China of un-authorized benefits which they had to give to them as they were not strong enough to fight with them. The emperors did not take this matter seriously until 1898 when Emperor Guangxu realized the significance of this threat and took some precautionary measures in order to avoid any mishap which could occur. He was a man who realized that the country needed to adapt to the changing conditions of the world and leave behind the traditions and culture which limited them in progressing. On June 11, 1898 the Emperor finally decided to announce for a change in the country of China. This change was first welcomed by the masses and people of China. The emperor tried to implement policies of his own which gave a new way of progress to China. This article would further

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