Friday, October 18, 2019

International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

International Business - Assignment Example Secondly, the culture of the people of USA is different to that of the people of Turkey. Evidently, the Turkey citizens have different beliefs to people of the United States of America hence a person working in the USA will be more diverse in terms of norms and beliefs to that person working in Turkey(Czinkota, 1989). In addition, the language barrier is another factor that brings the contradiction in the two working regions; that is USA and Turkey (DRS, 2012). For example, the national language of Turkey is Turkish while that of the United States of America is English. Therefore this vividly brings out the difference of working in the two countries. Furthermore, the constitution of the country Turkey is different to that of the USA (Czinkota, 1989). Evidently there are a number of things the government of Turkey approves one to engage in but the government of USA totally bans them totally and vice versa. In conclusion, there are a lot of things that may prohibit a person to work in a particular country and make that country unfavorable working environment. Clearly, this is highlighted throughout the book and one can practically hand pick

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