Saturday, October 5, 2019

Symbolic interactions on homosexuality-a sociological perspective Research Paper

Symbolic interactions on homosexuality-a sociological perspective - Research Paper Example From the US General Social Record, Smelser (2002) indicates that the debate of homosexuality is not likely to be solved any time soon. An analysis of the questionnaires filled and records of interviews, it is evident, that many people have begun embracing homosexuality as a form of living. The blatant question of whether people of the same sex should marry recorded a tremendous 78% out of the 2000 respondents interviewed by Smelser (2002). These results were categorized on the degree of acceptance, and out of the 78%, majority were those that strongly agreed on homosexuality and legalization. Though Smelser (2002) did not find out the exact reasons why the majority agree to homosexuality, he argues that majority of the respondents were completely sure of their answers. He recommends the use of theoretical approach in an attempt to investigate the reasons behind the rising cases of homosexuality marriages. This case study will undertake a survey of the theoretical approach in an attempt to understand why so many people, especially the youth are violating the rule relating to violation on homosexuality. Among the theories that will put under study are the symbolic interaction theory on social deviance in regard to homosexuality, Kenneth’s labeling theory and the sexual stigma on homosexuality as well as Blumer, Cooley, Mead, and Kinsey’s theories. Survey on the contributions of these theories to homosexuality will be scrutinized at all points of view in an endeavor to find answers on the homosexuality issue. The symbolic interaction theory According to Benard and Mahood (2006), symbolic interaction theory is one of the best approaches in the study of marriages and relationships, especially controversial ones like homosexuality, its causes and effects in the society. A simple description of symbolic interaction theory may be explained as, beliefs that are created in relation to the symbols attached to them. These symbols may range from forms of language, objects, people, and perceptions of people amongst others. The symbolic interaction theory makes an initiative of defining how people shape realities in life and the effect of these symbols in their subsequent life. Ellis (1988) argues that the symbolic interaction theory renders people to attaching various connotations to symbols in the society, ultimately, majority end up acting in accordance to their own prejudiced interpretation of what the symbols mean in their lives. Other people will not undertake research to verify their course of action rather acts on what they think and feel is right. This is evident from the verbal discussions, whereby the uttered words play the role of symbols. Spoken words have specific meanings that are sent to the receivers of the message; the sender hopes that the message that he or she intended to send is received in its totality despite the various barriers to communication. This theory, however, intends to bring to light the fact that human beings are not static and that thy have innate feelings

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